Friday, 11 May 2007

Intoxication Formation

The day of the big parade had finally come

The sky was blue and out shone the sun

Everyone was excited and ready for fun

And when I say all of them I mean EVERY ONE!

First came the parade of school children

Dressed up in costumes “Walk now, don’t run!”

And then came the coppers marching along

Followed by Majorettes dressed up to stun

The parade continued for an hour or so

Float after float and much to-ing and fro

Shop-keeps and mayors and sisters and bro

Proudly on display for all the town to know

But up at the back where few people saw

Came a float like no other seen here before

Covered in beer cans and an old gents loo door

Surrounded by souses dragged off of the floor

The crowds went quiet as the final float went by

Stinking of urine that made children cry

The escorts’ pants by now were far from dry

Falling off of the float no matter how hard they try

The parade was called off by a worried Mayor

The police were called by the drunks didn’t care

They’d stated their case and taken their share

And the Intoxication Formation had been a wonderful dare!

(c) 2007, Neil Gardner

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